NexTorch FT32F, Filter Kit – Foldable – Red, Green, Blue


Lens replaceable body
Does not impair night vision

700nm output of red lens, 550nm output of green lens, 470nm output of blue lens.

Green beam appears brighter at night without your eyes having to re-adjust. many hunters believe green beam will not scare animals in the woods.
Majority of animals see poorly in red color spectrum, which hunters should take advantage of.

Blood becomes more distinct against foliage, and many hunters use blue beam to track wounded animals.

For NEXTORCH models # myTorch XL, P8A, TA3, TA2 SET, T6A, T6L R5 SET, T6, T9, GT6A-S, GT6A-R, Z3, Z6, RT3, RT7

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SKU: NT-FT32F Categories: ,

Additional information

Weight 0.120 kg