Flitz Tactical Matte Finish Cleaner 225ml (TM81585)
Tactical Matte Cleaner
A stunning clean doesn’t always have to shine– do Flat/Matte the right way on your arsenal, with this residue killing organic formula. One spray then dry away with Tactical Matte Finish Cleaner!
There are many different finishes for guns, pistols, rifles, etc., right? Well, there’s a reason why you have a flat finish on your gun and that’s because you LIKE the flat finishes and you want to maintain that finish too! FINALLY, there is a product specifically made to clean and maintain the flat/matte finishes on your guns.
Instantly & Easily Removes: Fingerprints, oil, grease, water spots, soil, unwanted wax residue, carbon & other impurities.
Safe on: Flat/Matte finishes, parkerized finishes, Tactical finishes, Gun wraps, AR Firearms, brushed or polished stainless steel,
• Will NOT leave a shine – restores unwanted shiny surfaces back to matte
• Will NOT remove bluing
• Will NOT remove parkerized finish
• Environment friendly
Dries Fast
Immediately restores to matte finish
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